Wore my new gi for the first time yesterday. I'm very happy with the top it feels like it fits my chest just right. However, the pants don't fit me so well. I might have to lose some of my butt cause it's really tight in that area. I didn't have any problem when we were rolling so maybe I just need to get used to them, but I also don't want to split them.
Had a pretty good class yesterday with Jerad as the instructor. Our main focus was off of an arm-drag and then working for the back from there. I think the arm-drag is the next thing I want to drill until it's incorporated into my game. I just need to work on the timing of when to go for it, because when I've tried it in the past it's failed just from the other person pulling their weight back. We did some techniques to help get the hooks in, some chokes, and what to do if they avoid both hooks. We then drilled from the back with several different partners for 3 rounds.
During open mat I went with Jerad first. He kept me on my back the whole time I was able to get to turtle a couple of times but then just regained half guard or he went back to side control. He submitted me 2 or 3 times, once with a bow and arrow that he set up nicely by faking that he was going for gift wrap and then with a darce choke I think.
I rolled with Ken last and I asked him if we could start with me in bottom turtle position. We had a good scramble in the beginning for his back and I ended up in half guard and it was pretty much the same as usual from there. I was starting to feel drained and frustrated and I wanted to be off my back more than anything. He did a good job of setting up the armbar but then changed it at the last second into a gooseneck.
My focus and goals for improvement for the next couple of weeks is going to be improvement in Arm-Drags and bottom turtle.
something you may want to think about with the arm-drag is using it to pull yourself to them and not necessarily them to you. if you can't move your opponent move yourself.