Sunday, June 5, 2016

June 5th 2016 - No Gi Beginner

Theme & Techniques: Transition to mount from knee on belly & Twister Side Control, Arm Triangle
Partner: Bhuvana

My bachelor week is approaching the end with only tomorrow remaining. It will be nice to resume my normal schedule and hopefully return to 100%.

Good information from Conan today as I know the subject of transitioning into mount isn't covered that often.  He taught the arm triangle using the new crossface way that Greg has been teaching recently.

Rolling: Side Control KOTM, Free Rolling
Rolled With: Bhuvana, Adam, Andy, Jesus, Bauer, maybe others

Bottom person was king. Had a couple of tough rolls with Bauer especially from both top and bottom.  I was able to avoid the wrath of Adam's butcher in his jellybean rash guard and fire spats.  I setup a few north/south chokes today as my primary no gi goto submission.  Finished class with some good free rolls with Bhuvana and Andy.

Office Hours Partner: Fuji

Tried my best to keep Fuji off the top and succeeded the first roll. There was one point when I was transitioning from back mount to turtle, back to back mount until I finally fell off. Then my guard was passed and he went for north/south choke.

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