Partner: Tom (New), Jess
Glad to have a few weeks in a row with more than 2 people in class. I asked Dave to work with me a bit on the Judo sweep and he seemed to enjoy it as well.
Jerad made a cool realization today with something that he uses. While doing the standing guard break he would start with a pistol grip and then hand it off to the other hand with an umbrella grip. It makes a whole lot of sense.
Some tips for this weeks techniques:
- Koshi Guruma: Don't grab their shoulder and don't push their hips back when you put your arm around their neck
- Standing Guard Break: I would suggest that everyone do some reps with this with a partner where they do 20 in row. One of the best exercises that we've done in the competition practices. You can also add a situp for the bottom person.
- Torreando: I prefer doing this pass more like an x-pass. I won't push both legs equally back but the closer one back and the far one out.
Rolling: Closed Guard
Rolled With: Jess, John, Jerad
Jess's open guard is getting quite good and I think I need to take it more seriously. He was able to sweep me today with a spider guard sweep. Then on my turn I got him with a waiter.
John went to a long step pass from the start and almost completed the pass. We did some back and forth with half and deep half. I don't remember what happened when I was on top.
Jerad and I had quite the battle. When I was on bottom I recovered a few times from almost getting passed. My collar grip saved me with some loop choke attempts. When I was on top I did the standing guard break and as I was trying to pass I got pulled to half then he got 2 on 1 and started to arm drag. I put pressure on his opposite shoulder to prevent back mount but he used it to sweep.
Office Hours Partner: Jess
Jess let me drill some crucifix and I think I figured something out with the armbar from the top. I could get a lot more leverage if I kept my knees a little closer and brought my hips down. We rolled after that and I had a tough time with his open guard but eventually passed. I have to work on my spider defense.
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