Open Mat
Rolled With: Derek M, Morgan, Jerad, Josh J
Game Plan: Bottom - Z-Guard, Top - Crucifix Armbar
Got in some good drilling today. Started with Jess and worked on crucifix armbar. Bob came over and I showed some details for the over/under pass. I think it will serve them both well.
Derek and I both drilled the things we've been working on. I did z-guard and felt really good about the ankle pick variation when I can't reach their knee and they stand. I also drilled more crucifix to armbar and feel ike I'm getting a feel for doing the armbar from the top. Spreading my knees after crossing the feet is the key. Im going to incorporate more drilling into open mat
We rolled once with me starting on top and entering into his half guard. I went to the hip switch but wanted to avoid the reversal that he's been working on so kept my foot in tight and attacked the kimura to help pass. I used the kimura trap and was able to step over his head and fight from there. We drilled a few more times after rolling.
Had quite a few rolls with Morgan next. I was unable to get him to crucifix position although I tried. I was able to setup the z-guard during a knee slide pass. He had a good attempt at a rolling back take and played some de la riva, after we rolled we worked on DLR a bit.
Jerad and I had an epic roll. I was actually able to mount some offense a few times which doesn't always happen. At one point I attempted a kimura from half guard which transitioned to head and arm choke from the bottom that I didn't feel like I could finish. I also had a few escapes from knee on belly and mount. I'm getting more comfortable in the modified deep half that I'm ending up in with him. In the end he got me with kimura.
Josh was a little negative about our roll before it started. It's definitely something I struggle with thinking I'm going to lose before a roll even starts. Honestly though he is among the few white belts that give me a hard time. He's difficult to submit and his fundamentals are solid. Regardless, I mostly controlled the roll from back mount. I wasn't able to get a choke though as he did a great job of escaping. I got to use the kimura trap again to attack some collar stuff, but he was able to get free. We discussed back mount escapes afterward and why going to the correct side is important.
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