Partner: Mike A
Got to work with Mike for the first time in a long time. We improved our darce technique today as we both were doing it more neck cranky. Greg was having us push on their shoulder with our body where I was primarily pushing down on their head with my ribs to push their neck into my arm. Mike and I were choking each other pretty well by the end and didn't have to fall onto our sides as much as I thought. The other great thing about working with Mike was that we would play during techniques, maybe give each other a little resistance here and there and respond to it naturally. Obviously a newer person isn't going to be able to do that well.
Rolling: Side Control, Free Rolling
Rolled With: Mike A, Mike G, Daniel, Jess
Aquila and I had some good rolls from side control. I started out with a choke series going from NS to guillotines but never able to get the tap...maybe if he had a bigger neck. He gave me a lot of props for the exchange and transitions.
Most of my side control escapes ended up in half or deep half guard, I'm getting better with taking the back from them stepping over in DH but I could use a rewatch of Ryan Hall's DVD.
I got to crucifix position with Jess and felt like a bull rider trying to maintain it and not get thrown off. I couldn't quite get my hand in the right spot for the RNC though.
Office Hours Partner: Jordan
Rolled with Jordan H several times. We had trained quite a bit together when the school first opened and we were both working on cross guard. I was pleasantly surprised that he maintained some skills since he's been out injured for quite a while. I had a hard time passing his guard. I did however look at it as a way to attempt leg locks since he's a fellow blue belt. I felt like what Mike must have when I wasn't any good at defending heel hooks, and I'm trying to figure out how to attack them.
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