Saturday, February 4, 2017

February 3rd 2017 - MMA

Theme & Techniques: 1 through 6 punch combo, Teep Kick
Partner: Will

We had 8 in attendance to start off our first LBJJC MMA class.  I was excited but also wasn't sure what to expect.  We did some movement drills to get started (lunges and rolls). The one I need to improve on is the back roll to handstand to standing thing.

We got our gloves on and were moving the majority of the class.  He emphasized level changes and switching between Muai Thai and wrestling stances.  A huge point that Nick made was to make our elbows support our arms in a fighting stance. That's going to be important for me because keeping my hands up was the toughest thing of the class.

Sparring: Attacker/Defender, Light Contact, Just the Body
Sparred With: Will, Richard, Patty

Just defending was tough for me, might have been because I wasn't taking Will's reach into account at first. The teep was different than kicks that I'm used to as we did it with a straight leg, but knowing when to throw it was still there.

During the body shot sparring, Richard got me pretty good making me lose my wind for a moment. It was a good reminder that I need to breath and tighten my stomach with each strike.  A couple of other take aways were: I need to keep my chin down, relax more, and work on head movement.  It's definitely a different workout.

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