Focus of the Week: Deep Half Waiter Sweep, Tinguinha's Baseball Bat Choke setup, Over/Under Pass
I've been keeping with the theme of deep half and got a chance to study the Ryan Hall Deep Half Guard DVD set some more with a particular focus on the waiter sweep. I didn't get it in rolling this week but there were a couple people that were nice enough to let me drill it on them. I've also been hitting the switch side baseball bat choke setup that Tinguinha taught us at the seminar. I was trying to incorporate that technique anyway but this way has solved the grip problems I was having. My new problem is working my knee cut over their defending arm.
I didn't purposefully focus on the over/under pass but it came up a lot this week. I think after seeing Tinguinha do it to Greg several times while watching them roll put it to the forefront of my subconsciousness. I have been playing with switching my hips a little more in the progress and It's been serving me well. Also during open mat Jerad shared his techniques to prevent this pass.
Theme & Techniques
Beginner/All Levels: O-Soto Gari, Side Control Escape, Paint Brush
O-Soto Gari feels good in practice for me. I'm getting down the timing of the lift and turn with my arms, however I would like to get more confident with setting this (and other throws) up during rolling. I'll have to tap my judo player brethren for advice. I feel like I can do a lot of throws really well, but the setups and closing the distance seems beyond me at the moment.
I felt better about the side control escape after drilling it this week. Greg mentioning that we bridge to bring their elbow off the floor to make the hip escape possible really sunk in this time as the main purpose. Greg also added hooking the ankle during the escape to help prevent the smash pass.
Nothing really to report on the americana. I focused on pushing with my whole body to get their arm into position.
During rolling I found the hip shovel escape was working well for me from the deep half dvd, so I was transitioning to that if the basic escape didn't work. From the top I practiced the baseball bat choke every chance I got and maybe threw in some north/south chokes in there if my partner was asking for it.
One thing that struck me this week was that I saw some waning confidence in some of the white belts that I rolled with. There were a few defeatist remarks and a few partners I felt tapped early or were hesitant to engage. I had a discussion with Greg about how important confidence is. I considered if I do this with anyone now like Greg or Conan. I'm going to pay attention to this when going up against people that tap me out on a regular basis. Greg also gave me some awesome news that I will share in the future when it comes to fruition.
Advanced: Lasso: Sweep when far leg is up, Stand-up sweep, Turtle to Omoplata
The first sweep was something I didn't feel good about at the seminar, but it made a lot more sense after Wednesday. I don't think my butterfly hook was down on the ankle as much as it needed to be. Was happy to review the turtle to omoplata although I haven't gotten it to work much during rolling like I thought I would have. I've tried it a few times but usually end up in guard so I think my angle is off on my roll.
I always enjoy the advanced rolling sessions because I get my mind challenged and my ass kicked. Matt really put a lot of pressure on me and gave me a lot to think about. I think I gave up the inside space too easily and once it was gone it was very difficult to get it back. I really need to focus on my controlling the space and not allowing my opponent to get me to a point to where I have to regain ground. Then I have to expend extra energy to undo what has been done to get back to even. I think I need to expend more energy to keep good position instead of being lazy until the position is lost and it's too late.
Open Mat
Was able to drill the waiter sweep with Jerad and Greg and felt good about it. Greg drilled a new half guard pass that was very effective. After that we rolled and I felt like I had nothing for him except prolonging whatever submission he was going for. I think he submitted me 3 times at least.
Jerad and I had a long match where I was defending most of the time. I'm back to getting stuck in quarter guard with him. I do have a few more avenues that I can pursue once there, but I should probably be a little more active in preventing it in the first place. He attacked with a deep collar grip from mount a lot and eventually was able to submit me with it.
Fuji and I had a little back and forth and it was good to roll with him again. Still submitted me like always, but I did some good things. I also rolled with Brian (AF) and Ross and was able to work on some of my deep half stuff.
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