Friday, September 21, 2012

September 20th - Gi

Conan taught class yesterday with a focus on passing the butterfly guard.  It was a similar class to Sunday's except with the gi this time.  It was good to review so soon with some minor adjustments.  I didn't feel any huge pain but had to watch it when they were supposed press down and squish my butterflies.

Instead of going straight into open mat Mike asked me to drill some berimbolo, which I haven't worked on before to my knowledge.  I find that I usually can pick things up quickly but this took several times of Mike demonstrating it for me to finally get and even then I could only do it on my right side.  That was a weird feeling.  I like to be equally good on both sides of my body which is a hold over from my Hapkido training.  Not sure if this is a bad thing or good thing, but I know several good Jiu-Jitsuists that have certain techniques and sweeps that they only do on one side.  I know this is probably true for me as well, although I practice every rep equally on each side.

Conan called out something like "2 minutes left" so we abandoned our drilling and went into free rolling.  It was fast and furious.  I don't think either of us established any position until the very end when he somehow ended up in my closed guard but then we had to quit and lineup.

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