Wednesday, June 3, 2015

June 3rd 2015 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Double Leg Takedown, Mount Upa Escape, Cross Collar Choke from Mount
Partner: Mike (Lawyer), Jordan

There were 5 of us today and class seemed to fly by.  My double leg felt pretty good with people my size.  Still focusing on the penetration step and knee.  Turning the corner felt fine.  Greg had us do the overhand grip for the cross collar choke as well as the standard way.  It is a different feeling and you have to angle the forearms to still get under the jaw.  I showed Mike and Jordan the technique of getting offline to get your second grip on the choke and they seemed to get results from it.

Rolling: Mount Position (4 x 2 min), Free Rolling (2 x 4 min)
Rolled With: Jordan, Josh (Beard), Austin

I attempted some cross collar chokes but was fended off of that particular sub.  I was very happy to hit a spiral armbar today that I setup from mount.  Also some NS chokes, some ezekiels, a baseball bat and a regular armbar.  After writing that out it seems like there were much more than I thought and now I'm bragging. 

Jordan did a great job with insisting on recovering guard.  I was impressed with his leg movement.  He even did a decent butterfly sweep.  I'll have to start taking him a little more seriously. 

Had some deep half success today.  Several times lately I've been going to the position and my partner will give his base up right away.  At first it was a little off putting because I want to work on specific things, but since I've taken a stance on flowing through the position just trying to sweep with any means necessary, it's been a learning experience.

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