Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 30th - Gi (Attitude Adjustment Required)

I was feeling pretty sluggish yesterday before class but was okay once we got started.  The class consisted of the bow and arrow choke from a couple of different positions.  I worked with Ken on most of the drilling with this.  At the end we did some position Reverse, sweep, submit drills from Back, Mount, and guard with various partners.  One thing I'm proud of from that exchange was a Shoalin sweep that I sort of pulled off on Mike.  Probably wouldn't have done it to someone as big as me but I'm getting the technique down.  I feel like I'm coming up with solutions when my half guard game gets shut down.

During open mat I rolled with David first.   This was the beginning of my frustration.  Like usual David handled me.  While I know I'm doing better against David than I have done in the past I was getting pissed to end up in the side control again.  To work to get half guard and then end up back in side control.  I believe he got me with an armbar or a triangle in the end.

I went with Ken next and my attitude continued to sour.  I made several mistakes and I wasn't trying my best, at one point I could tell Ken was trying to help me by allowing me to sweep him and it actually made me angry because of the mindset I was in.  He was telling me to sweep him and I told him to stop it and just roll.  Not cool I know.  He pressed me to not quit and we eventually reached half guard with me on bottom and he gave me pointers to submit him in a reverse armbar.  We worked on that technique for a little while getting the arm and body positions right.  I felt a little better after that.  I need to get put my ego or self esteem in check when it comes to Jiu-Jitsu.  We talked about some wrist locks and I showed him how I taught the gooseneck.

I finished the night by getting tapped out by Jerad a couple of times.  The first time I did my best to defend against the bow and arrow choke, which I succeeded in, however it allowed him to setup an armbar instead.  I guess preventing him from doing what he wanted to do is counted as a win for me.  The next match I wasn't as lucky as he was a little more sneaky and quick with the bow and arrow. 

1 comment:

  1. i didn't realize how frustrated you were when we were rolling. we all have these moments. your getting better every time we roll.
