Theme & Techniques: Koshi Guruma, Kneeling Guard Break, Knee Slide Pass
I made a mistake once again being the example student for Greg. He was trying to show if he put his knee too far across for the guard break and I made my response too complicated. He just wanted me to roll him over.
Worked with Austin during this portion of class. Besides getting side tracked discussing giant robot anime for just a little bit we managed to get some good work in. I found that a lot of the advice I was giving him was the same that I gave to Ben the other day. It was mostly concerning hip pressure.
Rolling: Guard Position (6 x 2 min), Free Rolling (4 min & post class)
Had a great time in the rolling portion of class. Austin and Dave both attempted the pass that we worked on in class and I exploited the opening that they left for my underhook which I felt a little guilty about. Debated whether I should let them pass and decided neigh. I limited myself to starting with the knee slide pass but had to deviate a few times. I felt like I had to try harder today to get grips on both Dave and Austin than I have recently.
Brian and I had a pretty good battle from double unders where I almost passed but his flexibility and stiff arming helped him recover and we started over, but I got him the second time. I had a couple of good omoplata sweeps from the bottom. One that lifted him up a little bit which we both thought was cool.
Greg made me work hard from both top and bottom. I feel pretty good about my performance, but there is no way of knowing how much he was really trying. I was able to escape his omoplata attempt but never came close to passing. From my guard I was able to keep him from passing but I was really saved by the clock as he had me in a gift wrap and I was just holding on to quarter guard for dear life.
I rolled with Darijo after class. Generally I'll start out pulling guard with people instead of any type of knee wrestling. Lately I think some of the new guys are trying to do the same thing, so we end up having a little dance. When I sit down then they sit down, then I decide to get up and pass the guard and they get up too. It might be time to start playing berimbolo when we both end up sitting. He did a good job of defending most of my attacks. I have been experimenting with triangle from mount a lot lately a la Jerad, usually I finish with the armbar but he hid his arm and I had to switch to the actual choke and went to the side, which worked well.
Just picked up a 93 Brand Grey Goose gi from BJJHQ. I haven't gotten a new gi in a while and am hoping this one fits well. It's my first A2H which if their sizing chart is right it should be perfect. Usually the sizes are more designed for tall and skinny rather than my short and stocky frame. The "H" I guess stands for heavy.
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