Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27th - No Gi

Had to skip last Wednesday and Thursday due to a combination of lower back pains and having a cold.  I'm not sure but I think those arm drags from last Monday might have tweaked my back.  The pulling and then twisting to the back maybe, not sure, but anytime I sat for a while and needed to get up it was a painful process.  This also meant that I missed the free in-house tournament on Saturday.  Apparently there would have been some competition for me there so I'm a little bummed about that.

Sunday class was taught by Ray and it was centered mostly around half guard mistakes that he saw at the tournament.  During some warmup shrimping Ray noticed that I was wincing or at least not enjoying my jaunt down the floor.  He had us do some yoga like stretches that made my back feel a ton better and helped me continue through class.

We worked on what to do from top half guard mostly trying to keep the other guy flat on his back or going for a kimura.  It was very informative and it also helped me realize some of the things that I need from the bottom position.

To end class we had a quasi-king of the mat having three people rotate through the rest of the group trying to pass guard or sweep or submit.  While I feel I'm improving in this area I have some fundamental weaknesses there.  Like I've been told several times already, I open my guard too easily and without a purpose and I give up on some things too easily as well.  With 9 of us rotating through this ended up taking the rest of the class time.

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