Started off this morning feeling pretty good. I got there a little early and was ready to roll. In attendance besides me were Ken, James, Claire, and Craig.
I rolled with Craig first. He and I have known each other since I first started Taekwondo back in 1991. We've been doing groundfighting and Hapkido together for a couple of years now. We started from the feet and I was surprised how well the arm drag was working for me against him. I guess we'll have to work on this the next time we roll. I was able to get his back and takedown and then end up in side control fairly consistently from there. From there I went to knee on belly and as he was pushing me away I used the shin stuff on the far arm that Jerad showed us on Sunday. It was working great. Craig and I used to be pretty even on the ground before I started training Jiu-Jitsu, but I've improved exponentially in a year.
Claire was doing an especially good job of regaining guard today. She seems to be improving pretty steadily. I should have started out with her in a dominant position so she could work on her top game, I guess I was being selfish.
Ken and I rolled once and then worked on standing takedowns. One of the highlights of today was I was able to do one of the sacrifice throws that I've been working on. Today felt like a little different roll. I guess I never made it to deep half or spent much time in half guard period so that is probably why. I did pass his guard once which I was shocked at. However, he ended up submitting me while I was attempting another over/under guard pass by catching me in a belly down armbar. This is a place where I get into trouble often lately so I've got to watch out for that.
James and I had some really great matches. Our first lasted 10 minutes. The highlights for me were that I got to x-guard for a little while and I also mounted him although I never submitted him. There were several times where we both setup kimuras but they were defended.
During my last match with Ken I ended up in his guard and as he was pushing forward and started to stack me I felt a twinge in my back. I felt it out a little bit to decide if I should continue and thought it was best to call it a day. It's not serious but it makes me really cautious. It doesn't hurt too bad but I know it's there lingering. I just hope it doesn't affect my performance on Saturday. So I'm getting up from my desk at work every hour and stretching and I'm about to go pick up an ice pack. I've just got to take it easy until Saturday.
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