Sunday, August 23, 2015

August 23rd 2015 - Beginner No Gi

Theme & Techniques: Side Control Escape to Single Leg
Partner: Darijo

Couldn't make it to open mat yesterday but was fortunate enough to make it no gi today.  Conan had us do a couple partner warm-ups that I enjoy with the switch sides armbar from guard drill, sit outs, and armbar from mount and recovering mount. 

This was similar to what we worked on Friday, but Conan really wanted to bring home the addition of an extra shoulder twist to defend the crossface.  This made a huge difference in what I thought this move was as there have been many times when I've gotten close to escaping side control only to be put back flat by a crossface.  It also got me focusing on bridging with the intent of knocking them over.  Doing this seems to cause a lot more openings.

Rolling: Side Control (2 x 4 min)
Rolled With: Darijo

Despite talking himself down a little Darijo did great and challenged me from the top and bottom.  I don't have nearly as many attacks in no gi so I felt like I had to move a lot more and switch sides.  My hand was constantly trying to check the hip.  He did seem a little susceptible to the kimura grip so he may want to look into keeping his hands closer to his chest.  When I was on the bottom it took a while before I found the right moment to attempt to escape and then I felt like I gave a half assed attempt at what we drilled.  I just don't feel strong in my bridge from there but I feel like it was a good week to start focusing on side control escapes.

Office Hours Partner: Chris (?), Mo, Dave, Jeff

This doesn't usually happen, I always try to commit everyone's name that I'm going to mention in the blog to memory.  I think his name is Chris, this was the first time we rolled, but I've seen him in open mat quite a few times.  After our first roll he asked about what he should be doing when starting from the knees.  I'm very confident in what I have to say for this in the gi, but no gi without pant grips I'm often lost when I'm attempting to pass the someone that knows what they're doing.  I have a few tricks but would much rather be in the gi. 

Had a good roll with Mo, he attacked me with a couple things that I did not expect.  I made it a point to put him into deep half a couple times since he's interested in it.  I also ran my N/S to guillotine series that he was able to fend off.  I noticed a couple times that I was probably putting too much weight on him since I'm quite a bit bigger.  While in top quarter guard, I figured I'd go for a rolling back take and as I began my roll he stuck his hand on my shoulder and was able to reverse the position on me and take my back.  What!?  I wasn't even aware of this movement but he told me he's hit it on a couple other people and it's legit if timed right.  To make up for this I did a rolling back take from twister side control later on.

Rolled with Dave and was surprised at how much better he's gotten since last we rolled.  He felt stronger but I think that had a lot to do with having a better base.  One of the goals that I have is to get better at a triangle and never skip the opportunity to attack one on the white belts.  Like usual he was able to defend it through posturing up against my stubby legs.

I had seen Dave rolling with Jeff previously and noticed that he had back mount without hooks and was trying to put the top hook in.  Later on I showed him why it was a bad idea and why I've been focusing on getting the bottom hook lately.  I also showed him and Jeff my interpretation of Greg's seat belt grip.  It seemed like they both appreciated it.

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