Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 1 of Project Freedom

So the wife and kids took off for Alliance Nebraska yesterday morning and left me to fend for myself.  I'm trying to get in as much martial arts and relaxation time as I can.  Each day I'm going to take my gear with me to work and try to make it to a martial art's class or two.

Yesterday I worked out at Chung Do Kwan Taekwondo taught by Mike Catron.  It's been a while since I've done TKD and I wasn't disappointed.  We worked on some things that I haven't worked on in a while like twist kick and backfists.  Backfists were the theme of the night and it shows in my knuckles as we were hitting paddles repeatedly.  I also worked on a form with Shawn that was very difficult and interesting.  In the second class we worked on sparring drills and ended up doing some point sparring.  While I'm not a fan of point sparring I still get a rush when competing and Shawn has really good defense.  I haven't done kicking drills like that in a while; my legs felt fatigued afterwards but this morning I was okay.

Some of my possibilities for classes are:
Thursday: Jiu-Jitsu 4-5:30, Judo 6-7:30
Friday: Jiu-Jitsu 4-5:30 (If I can make it) if not TKD 6:30-7:30
Saturday: Hapkido 9-11:30 There is also a Judo class at 11:30-1 and a sparring class at Roseberry's from 1-2:30.  Or could do TKD from 11:30-1.  So many choices.
Sunday: No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu 11-1 and Daito-Ryu 1-2:30
Monday: Jiu-Jitsu 8-9:30
Tuesday: ???

I probably won't make it to all of these classes but I'll do as many as I can.


  1. your enthusiasm for training is awesome, Josh. Thanks for sticking around and doing the judo class. I don't know what happened, but my right elbow is killing me. your welcome to do the sparring class on Saturday. last week no one showed up.

  2. Thanks Ken! Judo was fun and I learned quite a bit in that short amount of time. I'll see if I can make it to sparring but I do need to mow my lawn some time this week. Can you email me your number and I'll let you know if I'm coming Are you going to Judo?

  3. i'll try to make it to judo. it's always tough for me to wake up that early. don't worry about making it to the sparring class. mow that lawn!
