Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 15th - Open Mat

I decided to duck out of work 10 minutes early so I could get a little extra mat time in.  I changed quickly and got out there as fast as I could.  I rolled with Alex first, he's young and a lot smaller than me.  Whenever I roll with him I try to use no strength and while he doesn't submit me he usually surprises me a couple of times with his movements.  Once he fills out a little he's going to be a force to be reckoned with. 

Adam was next and he was already slippery with sweat and schooled me all over the place, to the point where he would get me in bad positions and then let me go.  He eventually got me in a kimura.

David was tough as usual and he eventually got me in his guard and slapped on a triangle.  He then worked with me on breaking the guard a little bit which I've been having trouble with.  Keeping my elbows in tight is what I really need to work on.  Later on I felt a little better about being triangled, because Ray had suffered the same fate to David.

I rolled with Alex for a second time and then Carlos to finish up.  It seems like there is a lot of position changing and movement with Carlos.  Which is good, I need to stay active and move a lot more.  He eventually caught me in a darce.

I haven't really done that much more than I would normally do to prepare for the State Games.  I've been going to class regularly and swimming most mornings.  I eventually want to come up with some type of tournament preparation routine to control my weight and prepare my mind. 

It's hard to decide what my mindset will be going into this tournament.  Of course I want to win and submit people, but I know with my lack of experience that I will probably have some good competition.  I don't feel that much pressure to do good here like I would at a Taekwondo tournament.  This being brand new to me and not having seen a competition in person, I'm willing to accept that there is a great chance that I won't win.  It's kind of freeing in a way and helps me relax knowing that no one really expects me to win.  However, my wife and some of my family will be there so we'll see how that affects me.

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