Friday, July 22, 2011

July 21 - Tourney Prep 2 and the laws of nature went so wrong

Class started out similar to Monday night.  We were allowed to wear our rash guards or t-shirts and we started with some pointers for the competition and Conan had us ask some questions.  My question was about the bottom sprawl position since I seem to end up there a lot.  I'm still not completely comfortable with the sit-out but I got a couple of other ideas. 

Next we did some matches with coaches and reffing.  I went up against Matt, a guy that started not long after I did and is doing pretty good.  Once we started we felt each other out a bit and I was eventually able to get his back.  I pulled him down and put him into back mount.  From here I tried to be relaxed with both hooks in and just go with him.  We rolled around but I maintained the position for a while.  I was trying everything that was being yelled at me but I could not sink the choke in.  I was trying to conserve my energy as well so I wouldn't gas out like Monday.  At one point I think I heard people picking on Patrick (my coach) for not telling me what to do.  A lot of it I tuned out though and might have had some tunnel vision.  Eventually he Matt was escaping and I was able to try an armbar and then a omma-plata  which i must have been doing wrong because he was escaping that too.  Eventually...somehow...I got an armbar with the other arm and he tapped.  While I caught my breath Conan gave us some pointers on what either of us could have done differently.  I should have flattened him out or done a neck crank.  I hope that Matt isn't discouraged, I don't think he should be as I have quite a bit of experience for a white belt.  He did a good job of not getting submitted.

We did more matches.  I didn't feel like I was ready to try reffing or coaching, maybe for the next tournament I'll try it. There were some good pointers given to everyone and some good matches.

After we bowed out Ken appeared and we had another epic battle.  It went as usual.  Ken allowed me to dominate in the beginning and I tried taking his back several times and hold side control. There was a point when Ken was holding me in side control and my chest was being smashed.  I eventually escaped somehow.  Ray helped with some coaching and by telling me I'd have to write in my blog that I was Ken's bitch.  Eventually I got a dominant position again.  The only bad thing about coaching is that your opponent can hear what you are being told to do. Ray told me to take his back one time and Ken anticipated, the next time Ray told me to do it again I decided to use his coaching to my advantage and I went for an armbar instead and I got it.  Ken tapped.  I realize that 99 times out of 100 it would go the other way, but it's definitely a sign that I'm getting better.

Quote from Ken:
when you tap me out, is when i move on and walk off into the sunset. i'll find a high mountain top and contemplate how the laws of nature went so wrong.

1 comment:

  1. See, ya! It's been fun. where's the closest mountaintop?
