Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October 12th - One on One with David

I asked David the other day if he'd be willing to do an early morning class on Wednesdays.  We met at my Dojang at 6:30 and had a pretty good workout.  We pretty much rolled the whole time, starting out pretty slow and putting more resistance into as we went, stopping every now and then to work on something specific and then continuing.  A lot of my issues were with when to have an underhook and where to keep my weight.  I'm still struggling with side mount escapes but I'm getting a little more confident in what I can do. 

Hopefully we can make this an ongoing thing and it will help me progress quicker.  Thanks for the class David.


  1. i dropped by the dojo after i got off of work around 7:15 am. you guys must of left before then. i'd try and make the wednesday work out but i get off from work around 7am. are you guys done before then?

  2. We worked out at my school this morning because David didn't get permission from Shihan yet. We plan to have it there next week if we get permission. We ended about 7:35 this morning.

  3. i'll try to join you guys on wednesdays at our dojo when you get permission. i get off work at 7 am.
