Monday, October 31, 2011

October 30th - No Gi (No Key)

I arrived at the dojo yesterday, excited to get in a good no-gi class, only to find Fuji and Mike standing outside in the street.  Adam showed up soon after.  After several text messages and a phone call from Conan it was determined that no one with a key was coming.  So, once again I invited everyone to train at the school that I train Hapkido at.  

We didn't have anyone really lead the class but had some good discussions and training.  We started out with partners and taking turns escaping/maintaining side control. We didn't feel like there was enough room for two groups to roll so we did the 8 minute drill instead changing partners with each position.  We discussed some leg locks and worked on a few.

One of the cool things about our little group was that we all had different body types.  It was good to work the different positions and have to use different tactics with each person.

Earlier in the weekend I attended my first live MMA show.  I've only trained with one of the guys that fought and he (Rob Bieber) did an awesome job.  It was quite an experience, but I think I'm spoiled by watching UFC where the guys are more experienced.  I applaud all of the guys that had the courage to jump in there and do it.  Every once in a while I get the desire to get in there and try it.  Then I think about all of the time training, the time away from my kids, and the chance of losing in public.  Still I don't want to have any regrets, ARG!


  1. I've been to several live MMA fights in the area, and comparatively these were kind of lame. It seemed like mostly inexperienced fighters that night. Of course Rob was awesome! You could tell that most of the crowd was there to see him, and he didn't disappoint.

    Btw, if the situation ever arises again where several of you are standing outside without a key, I might be able to help. I have a key and I can get there in less than 10 minutes if I'm at home. Just msg me on Facebook next time, and either Joe or I may be able to come open the door.

  2. that's cool that you took the other students to your other dojo. you can try me too for keys. i'm right up the street. i may be sleeping but the phone ringing may wake me up. Rob's got another fight this weekend in Kansas.
    i want to get in the cage also. maybe, next year.

  3. Yeah I figured you were sleeping and I didn't want to bug you.

    Wow, that seems really soon for Rob to fight again, but I don't think he got hurt in the fight last weekend. Hope he kicks ass again.

  4. we rolled monday and he should do well. i'll see you Wednesday.
