Friday, December 11, 2015

December 11th 2015 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Koshi Guruma, Standing Guard Break, Toreando Pass, Over/Under Pass
Partner: Craig, Katie

Katie is a friend of Craig's and decided to try out class today.  She did pretty well for it being her first martial arts class.  Of course having to back up and realize that a new person has very little idea about the terminology that we use much less why someone would even want to pass the guard, makes me realize that there is quite a base learning curve.  My piece of advice to her and what I say to most people I talk to on their first class is that the first thing to focus on is knowing what the positions are and learning when you are in trouble.

Rolling: Guard (4 x 4 min), Free Rolling (5 min)
Rolled With: Conan, Andy, Katie

Conan can really get in my head sometimes and it's not really his fault.  He wasn't really warmed up when we started rolling so he went a little lighter than usual.  I of course tried to pass as well and as fast as I could and I pass.  As we rolled he got more difficult to pass and swept me a couple times.  When he does this I'm not sure sometimes if I should go slower and down to his level or keep trying to do my thing.

Had a good positional roll with Andy and took all the precautions necessary to prevent a baseball bat choke of some type.  I was pulling off the knee through the middle guard break and pass and showed him that he was making it easier by climbing his guard way up. 

Office Hours Partner: Conan

Conan went over a mount escape that he was researching and it seemed pretty cool but still in development stages.  We discussed my tournament matches a bit and talked about my new omoplata finish. 

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