Friday, October 19, 2012

October 18th - Gi (Tornado)

We had an even spread of experience from purple to white in class today with me in the middle.  We had a pretty quick warm-up and then split into two groups white belts led by Conan and colored belts led by Jerad. 

Jerad had us work from the Tornado guard.  I have really only been showed this once or twice by Mike and I've never practiced it myself.  It seemed that it was relatively natural for me, compared to some other things anyway.  The technique is from half guard, you grab their pants of the leg you have trapped, your other hand is on their collar.  When you see the opportunity, you swing the outside leg around and invert between their legs and then complete the sweep. If they were to block the sweep we also worked on going to a triangle. 

The last technique that we worked on was a kneebar from reverse dlr in combat base.  This gave me some flashbacks to a kneebar that had been put on me in the state games.  What I liked about it was that is was an option B if trying to do the back take failed.  You grab their knee and do a similar inversion as the tornado guard but the trick was you do the kneebar on the other leg that has the knee on the floor.  Awesome.

Instead of open mat we did the 8 round position drill.  Apparently it was Conan's first time with it so there was a little confusion at first.  I started on top with Will for this drill.  I was not able to submit Will but I felt pretty dominant during the exercise.  We each had our good moments and I think we both challenged each other.

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