Made it to open mat with a couple groups still rolling. I rolled with Mike first and we started from standing. He pulled guard and we assumed our usual from there. Like usual I had a hard time passing his guard, but I'm a lot less worried about his chokes without a collar to grab. My best bet lately to passing him is to get in tight with half guard. This led to him getting deep half on me which I was then able to get my foot free and work into an armbar. After some work and avoiding Mike's legs I was able to break his hand grip with the hip grab and roll. It's very rare for me to even threaten an armbar on Mike much less finish it so I was pretty happy about that. During our second match I had attempted a couple of foot locks as well but Mike was able to roll out of them. I don't remember the setup but Mike was able to secure a heel hook and I tapped as soon as I could. This was only the beginning.
For the remainder of the time I rolled with Ray, who ankle locked me all over the place. We did talk about some of the Jeff Glover stuff and I tried some of it while rolling. I was able to make it to deep half quite a few times but like usual I would get caught in the triangle kind of guard area whenever I tried to sweep. Ray told me to focus more on pulling on their knee as I tried to sweep and then leg drag as I came up. It seemed like I would be doing well and had success defending most of Ray's submission attempts but once he smelled ankle there was no stopping him. The worst was when I'd have him in closed guard and I thought I was safe. But, as soon as I opened up he would sit back and it was over.
Something that he mentioned later that I didn't realize that I was doing so much was using wristlocks while defending. Ray said it was pretty annoying when he would be setting something up and I'd throw a wristlock on. While he could get out of it, the lock made him reset and have to start over with his submission attempts. The last submission he caught me in was from the 50/50. Right away I claimed that it wasn't fair since I've only attended one class that taught this position and Ray was the one that taught it. My only defense was to try to hand fight and triangle my legs. It was inevitable though that he got a heel hook.
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