Sunday, October 18, 2015

October 18th 2015 - No Gi Beginner

Theme & Techniques: Darce, Japanese Necktie
Partner: Conan

Conan added some movement exercises to the warmup. We did armbar from mount and guard and hip bump sweep.

We did the Darce from half guard and for a few of the students it was their introduction to the technique.  Some things to remember:

  • Controlling their posture is the most important thing. Don't let them arch their back.  
  • Don't settle for crappy grips before falling to your hip. Secure the grip in the bicep
The Japanese Necktie is basically working from the same starting grip but then bringing the forearm behind the neck and putting your shoulder to the ground.  Not sure if I figured it out but I'll recognize it as an option.

Rolling: Half Guard (4 x 4 min)
Rolled With: Ken, Tyler

It's been a while since I rolled with Ken and he's still challenging.  His ability to explosively shrimp from anywhere.  I did do better against him than in my younger Jiu-Jitsu days though.

I felt a little bad for the size disparity between Tyler and I.  I did my best to try to use only technique but he's pretty skillful.  We talked about passing knee shield and we both have each other problems with it.

Office Hours Partner: Mo

Had some good bouts with Mo. He's becoming more like Mike in his guard passing.  He prevented my one legged x-guard entries and had some other fancy footwork to get around my legs. Oh I hope he doesn't figure out the leg drag.  I messed around with setting up some ankle locks.

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