Thursday, December 1, 2016

December 1st 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Standing Headlock Escape to Hammerlock, Mount: Armbar, Elbow Escape
Partner: Bhuvana, Byrav

Got in late again today, hopefully this work stuff will get back to normal soon.  I missed working on the headlock escape and warm-up.  Well, I didn't actually miss them, I just wasn't there to do them.  Not much to say about drilling techniques.  Greg showed a few grip breaks for when they clasp their hands for the armbar.

Rolling: Mount, Free Rolling

Felt good about all of my rolling today.  Went to deep half waiter a few times while escaping mount.  I'm feeling pretty good about the changes I've made to the technique recently.  I feel like Jess is getting better all of the time and can be difficult to deal with.  He doesn't threaten to submit me at the moment but he is explosive enough at times to get out of positions, I'll have to keep an eye on him.  Another technique that has been pretty solid for me lately is the Japanese necktie, it's a lot easier for my short arms than the darce especially if I'm already in half guard.

Office Hours Partner: Frank

I rolled a few times with Frank and then gave him some tips on the leg drag pass position as he almost had me there but didn't staple my leg and I was able worm my way back to a guard.

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