Wednesday, December 7, 2016

December 7th 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Grip Fighting: Standing, Guard, Back Mount
Partner: Jordan, Tom

It's great that we've had more than a couple people in Wednesday morning class lately.  I was starting to question if the class would stick around with the attendance being so low. 

Since everyone was pretty experienced Jerad taught a class on grip breaks that he got some good feedback on before. It's one of those parts of BJJ that took a while to realize how important it is.

Rolling: Free Rolling
Rolled With: Jerad, Jordan, Morgan

Had to do some maneuvering a few times to get past Morgan's guard.  Close to the end of the round, I looked up and saw 20 seconds left and told him that he was down on points and needed a guard pass.

Office Hours Partner: Tom, Jerad

Rolled With Tom and he did a decent job from top half guard. It slowed me down quite a bit. We discussed inverted triangle and avoiding it.

I can't seem to get the upper hand on Jerad or if I do it's not for long.  I did feel like I frustrated him at times with some of my lapel guard attempts.  I have to come up with a different mindset when I roll with him and look for securing the little victories especially hand and grip fighting right from the start.  As I was getting changed I heard Jerad giving Tom advice on how to beat my half guard.  I told them to stop it.

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