Friday, December 9, 2016

December 9th 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Double Leg, Mount Americana, Side Control Bread Cutter
Partner: Craig, Jess

Light class as I expected with the cold weather.  Unfortunately Jess had to sit early because he tweaked his back. 

We had a bit of a discussion about the bread cutter and Conan showed it one way and I showed it another. The major difference had to do with how deep of a grip that you take. Both work and can cause a tap so no worries just 2 different ways to do something.

Rolling: Free Rolling
Rolled With: Craig, Conan

Had some good rolls with Craig and he's continuing to show improvement with his passing and guard retention.  On our last roll I played a little more defensively from the bottom and had a few points where I was able to recover from being in trouble but maybe wasn't the best technique at times like holding on to a straight leg butterfly hook for too long.

Conan and I have tough battles which often go his way.  He has a way of getting on top and stripping away my defenses and making pressure along the way. It makes it important for me to get the upper hand early. I'm finding this to be a forced change to my game with trying to deal with him and Jerad.


I felt a little more bold trying to pass Conan's guard and threw some torreando and x-passes in there.  Mostly because I've been drilling x-pass lately.  I felt like they were almost there but I still wasn't passing his guard.  So what's missing?  The techniques are sound and high percentage.  From my understanding I'm doing the passes correctly, but I obviously could be doing something better.  It very well could be details I'm overlooking or that I could be doing it faster or that I need to set it up differently.  It all amounts to drilling more and not settling for lazy subpar techniques.  It's part of the rabbit hole of BJJ being a lifelong pursuit.

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