Wednesday, December 21, 2016

December 21st 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Deep Half: Entering from Mount, Side Control, Half Guard; Homer Sweep, Shin Sweep, Kick Sweep to Double Unders
Students: Morgan, Andy, Justin

Small class today and the regular material for the week was pretty basic with kneeling guard break and double under pass which I knew both Morgan and Andy were familiar with.  I've been working with Morgan a little bit on deep half so he requested to work on that some more.  I'm feeling like I'm developing a seminar type format for this position as I've taught it occasionally.  I'm figuring out the best progression which starts with escaping mount to deep half, I think this is a pretty direct approach to getting to the position.  Then I'll introduce the Homer Simpson sweep and the students will attempt that through the other entries. 

From there I go to side control and finally half guard.  I usually teach to get an underhook with the knee shield before going to the position but there are several ways to get the underhook.  Finally I add in some additional sweeps using the lapel and the butterfly hook.  I hardly ever make it to the waiter sweep and may make that and back takes a part of the advanced seminar.

Rolling: Deep Half Lab, Free Rolling
Rolled With: Everyone

Had everyone go a little lighter on the deep half 2 minute rounds.  The person on top went easy on the entry then raised the intensity once they got to deep half to try to prevent being swept.  I think this was a good way to get them to work with the position.  We finished with a few free rolls and I worked my way to deep half a few times just to challenge myself and prove that it worked. 

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