Kind of a small class last night for no-gi, not too many stayed after the beginner class. It was cool to see some new guys training when I arrived. I'm looking forward to our school growing and I'm excited to get in on the ground floor.
After our warm-up we worked on a wrestling take-down that resembled an ankle pick. We started this from a collar tie grip and then get them to bend over by going to your knees. From there we lifted their ankle and pushed them to their butt and then prepare for guard passing. Bauer and I worked together on this. I didn't have any problems with it, but I was a little hesitant to practice it.
The meat and potatoes of the class was the armdrag from butterfly guard. I've worked on this quite a bit so it felt pretty natural for me on both sides. From there we also did a couple of responses to someone defending the armdrag. The first was if they push you to your back which puts them into a position to butterfly sweep them. The second was where they lift their leg, we would then kick our way into x-guard.
For the end of class we rolled with 7 minute rounds and everyone in class partnered with everyone else. So 28 minutes of rolling amongst the 5 of us. I feel like I did pretty well. Got submitted 2 or 3 times. Bauer and I neutralized each other and had a good back and forth. I watched Jordan do a great job of maintaining and recovering guard against Bauer, he's really progressing. I also had to work hard to pass his guard. Mike caught me with a slick armbar early but after we continued I was able to take his back for a while but I didn't have my hooks in. I held onto his back for a good portion of the rest of our roll but wasn't able to finish anything. I kind of took Greg's back as well but as soon as he rolled I ended up in kneebar danger that I had to escape from. After that Greg put on a clinic of attacking the guillotine choke to taking side mount to attacking the guillotine to avoid my half guard to taking mount and then start over.
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