Sunday, June 9, 2013

June 8th - Open Mat

A good crowd of Greg, Conan, Jerad, Ray, Fuji, and Robert were in attendance at open mat yesterday.  Not too much out of the ordinary to report.  I'll sum it up with the highlights per roller.

Fuji: He pulled guard both times we rolled and I was able to do some standing passes.  I then struggled to try and submit him using brabo grips and attempted the new choke Jerad showed me last week.  During that time I had to make sure he didn't get up through a combination of cross facing and switching sides.  He inevitably got me over and smashed me and submitted me, but I feel like I did a little better than usual before that.

Conan: He started off playing possum and let me try to pass his guard like usual.  Eventually he got bored with me trying to submit him and swept and submitted me. 

Robert: We had quite the battle.  I was wearing a gi and he was in shorts and a t-shirt, so I started off with a little disadvantage that way, but he did a good job of avoiding gi grips.  I had him a couple of times from back mount but he did a good job of defending chokes.  I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't finish from the back.  

Greg: I really didn't have anything for Greg.  He pulled off the reverse dlr back take that turned into a sweep and then side control and mount.  There are so many times that I try things that work on other people but Greg has a better answer for.  I've just got to tighten up my game.  We also drilled a spider guard pass but I was pretty wiped at this time and didn't complete as many reps as he did.

I didn't get a chance to roll with Jerad or Ray, they seemed preoccupied with each other for most of the session.

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