The first Tuesday noon class was today and it was a pleasure to attend. The only downside to the noon class is that I don't have enough time or the means to shower afterwards. However, it's an awesome break from the workday.
My boys also participated in their first kids class. They ended up being the only kids there but they had a good time. Greg got them interested by playing a foot tag game that tricked kids into learning the basics of how to shoot. They also worked on some shrimping, rolling, and mount escapes. They are excited about the next class on Wednesday, so we'll see where this goes.
Noon Theme: Sweeps against an opponent standing in guard
Greg was finishing up a private class with a perspective student when I arrived. Fuji was already there and we worked on some spider guard stuff until class started. Fuji and I ended up being the only ones who attended. We did some stand-up fit-ins with hip throw and Osoto Gari. I'm glad we only did fit-ins because Fuji's Osoto Gari is brutal.
We did two sweeps from someone standing in guard. First a double ankle grab and putting our knees together and bridging into them. From there we pin their leg, grab the lapel and work our way around one side in a circle to mount. The second technique was the sickle sweep. We drilled both techniques for several minutes each.
We did two 3 minute rounds attempting to pass the guard with a stand-up pass. I didn't fair too well especially from the bottom. He was pretty much killing my guard. I did get one omaplata sweep.
Evening Theme: Sweeps against an opponent standing in guard
We ended up working on the same techniques from the noon class with one addition. Adam was my partner. We did a simpler version of the sickle sweep by just blocking the back of the knee and pushing on the hip with the other leg. My usual difficulty with these types of sweeps is pulling my legs back at the right time to get the momentum to come up, but I think I did pretty well today.
We did up/down/out with guard passing from open guard standing. I felt pretty good about my performance here as I was even able to hit a modified sickle sweep with some help from my spider guard. There were quite a few new people in attendance, so I tried my best to work the techniques that we worked on during class as usual.
WHOYA: September 17th 2012 - Gi
It was one of the few classes where Will was the teacher. He had us work on Shawn William's guard which is something I don't explore too often. We also did a king of the mat and I rolled with Will. I complain about my knee a bit which was pretty common.
At the end of the post, there's a little bit about the desire to get my blue belt. I talk about how things would change and not change. All in all, I think the attaining of the blue belt has been a good experience for me. I'm right where I should be. I feel like I represent the school well when new people or visitors come in and I'm feeling confident in taking my game to the next level. There is a little bit of an overwhelmed feeling of how much I could be working on, but I know the best way to focus on little chunks.
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