Friday, January 3, 2014

January 3rd 2014 - Gi (Early morning with Conan Schafer)

Theme & Techniques: Side Control Escapes

Had a private class with Conan this morning and it was well worth it.  After our warm-up he asked me what I wanted to work on to which I said either side control escape or retaining guard.  Since we worked on the latter in the last morning class he taught, we focused on side control escapes.  Most of the time he would move around in side control and see what my reaction was and then give me some tips or tell me to do something else completely.  So it wasn't traditional class in that he taught a technique and then I repped it; it was more like flow a bit and then repeat the movement and then he'd throw a wrench in that and we'd move on to the next thing.

The big takeaway of the day was acquiring a pants grip and using that to help me escape.  In a couple of cases he had me use it similar to the straight arm escape which really helped disrupt the opponents balance.  Another thing I need to work on is bumping more and stiff arming in the break dance escape.  I'm sure that's not it's really name but you pretty much spin on your butt underneath them into guard.

Rolling: Free Rolling

I was given plenty of opportunity to attempt some of the escapes that we worked on.  He was always one step ahead but I did feel some progress.  He allowed me top position a couple times and I think I had him a little worried about a somewhat bow and arrow choke that he got out of.  A majority of the roll was half guard and side control with me on the bottom.

We had a good discussion after class about how we learn, ego, and the positives of mat time.  I was encouraged that he still struggles with ego sometimes, which should have been obvious, everyone does, but he just seems to take it all in stride.

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