Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 4th 2014 - Kids, Competition & Open Mat

Kid's Class

Greg returned to teach class this morning along with Conan.  I was happy with Jayden's animal walks today as he didn't stop in the middle like he has been lately.  Jace however did not want to partner up with anyone except his brother.  It causes a little trouble because Jayden would like to work with other kids, but he's nice enough to work with his brother.  They played 1 on 1 foot tag in the ring, which I enjoy watching.  Sometimes they forget that they need to get the other person's feet to win and both kids play defensively.  They worked on the double leg takedown again, which both of my sons seem to like and do well at.

Competition Class
Drilling: Over Under Pass, Omoplata from cross guard, arm drag to single leg, pulling guard

Wess and his son Tristan, Gina, and Jorge were all initiated into the competition class.  Jorge and I were partnered up due to being closest in weight.  Greg told us not to change anything since we only have a couple of weeks to prepare for Circle of Iron.  We got right into by doing some mount escapes and then went into working on our 3 things.  Everything felt pretty good, Jorge reacted differently with a couple of the techniques so I had to adjust to make everything work.  I applied some things from Tinguinha's DVD to my omoplata and my open guard pulling. 

Rolling: 1 tournament style match

Greg matched me up with Fuji and my only goal was to not end up on the bottom.  I attempted some takedowns and we grip fought until Fuji pulled guard.  Then I knew I had to avoid his spider guard and leg lasso and stay on top by keeping my elbows in.  I was able to pass his guard and mount and finally back mount but it ended up taking it's toll on me and I gassed for a little while.  I knew I was ahead on points by a lot so I had to keep from getting submitted.  Fuji went for his brabo choke and it was very tough to defend.  Time was almost up and when the choke didn't happen he started to scramble to score some more points which allowed me an opportunity to sweep into mount when soon after time ran out.

While this was a huge confidence booster, I also realize that 9 times out of 10 Fuji has my number.  Greg and I also discussed my gassing out as this isn't the first time it's happened during tournament match practice.  I'm not sure how much is mental and how much is actual cardio, regardless I need to improve on it.

Open Mat

I was pretty tired for open mat, but still rolled with Jorge, Henry, Greg, and the new girl Sam.  As I've probably written before, Jorge is great at defending submissions.  I threw everything I could at him but at the same time making sure I didn't get reversed.  Henry and I had a pretty good roll.  I felt like I was controlling the match in the beginning but gassed out again and he submitted me with a mounted triangle.  I really tapped from jaw cramp pain but the choke was there.  I felt worthless with Greg.  I don't remember much but I'm pretty sure he took my back 2 or 3 times easily and made me tap with an RNC.  Since it was Sam's 2nd class and I was tired, I took it pretty easy on her.  I would get to mount or side mount and then walk her through how to escape.  She seems to like BJJ so far, so hopefully she'll stick around as our female population is very small.

Tournament Prep

Diet has been going well.  I'm not snacking as much and haven't had a pop since Monday.  I'm planning on doing some swimming this week as well as the weight workout Bauer sent me.  I think both will be good for my cardio.  I may look into doing some extra rolling after each class.  I also bought some school patches for our gis that I'll get stitched on soon.  They're a really great design and I'm excited to represent LBJJC in a tournament. 

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