Tuesday, September 15, 2015

September 15th 2015 - Gi Beginner

Theme & Techniques: Koshi Guruma, Triangle from Closed Guard
Partner: Morgan

Worked on the Uchi Mata with Dave before class started.  Felt pretty good trying to generate the turn of the body that I wanted.  The step back and lift also felt good with the neck hip throw, I focused on trying to catch Morgan as he was coming up. 

Triangle from guard is always one of those things that I know in theory but have a hard time completing in rolling.  During drilling I can choke someone and make it really tight, but always have a problem closing the triangle and controlling their posture during rolling and usually the omoplata is right there so I will abandon it for that. 

Rolling: Guard Position (4 x 2 min), Free Rolling (4 min)
Rolled With: Morgan, Ben, Robert

Morgan was able to sweep me today as I defended his triangle attempt I became over extended and went to my back to claim some type of guard.  I probably should have gave him the triangle instead in the spirit of learning the technique that we practiced.  Ben did fine and stopped me from doing what I wanted to do a couple times.  However, with one of the sweeps I felt like he gave up a little too soon.  From the top I hit a few omoplata sweeps but it was interesting that I was getting my legs kind of tangled up afterward.  I think I just need to sink into side control faster rather than wait there. 

Rolled lightly with Robert as he is cutting weight for a fight.  I ended up in turtle at one point and did a granby into triangle position.  He postured way back though and I didn't even get close to locking it up.  Otherwise we went back and forth position wise and it seemed pretty smooth rolling.

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