Tuesday, September 29, 2015

September 29th 2015 - Gi Beginner

Theme & Techniques: Basic Open Guard, Tripod Sweep
Partner: Bhuvana, Megan

Bhuvana brought a friend in to train today and she had a pretty good attitude for her first class.  Understandably a little hesitant but willing to try the stuff and take instructions.  I think it was a pretty good class to start with because we started with open guard and only did a couple other things from there.

Some things that I found work for me in open guard:
  • The leg on the bicep is your active leg.  Keep that hip off the floor so you can move that leg around anywhere you need it.
  • When learning this position, relax.  Know that you want to remain on your side and keep your hips in line with them.  When they move try to figure out how to reset the starting position 
  • When coming up from the tripod sweep pull the pushing leg back so you can kneel on it. 

Rolling: Basic Open Guard (4 x 2 min)
Rolled With: Greg, Josh M

Interesting roll with Greg.  My open guard didn't last too long when I was on bottom either time and I ended up in half guard or he was in knee up passing position.  I felt pretty good about the half guard time, I ended up using his lapel under his leg to try to work my way into deep half and keep him from passing.  It worked for a little while at least.  From the top I was really worried about getting triangled.  I attempted the belt grab and foot push pass but couldn't get free of his grips.  On our last roll we ended up in an interesting foot lock position where he played around with a calf cutter.

With Josh I was able to setup some loose omoplatas and move into cross guard.  When I was on top, Josh caught me in a triangle position near the end of our roll.  I was able to posture but he was still working for it until the time ran out. 

Office Hours Partner: Josh

Greg had us work a bit on the twist sweep.  He pointed out that I was focusing too low with the sweep and should control their thigh instead.  Hopefully this is the detail I need because it's still not sinking in.  No one wanted to stay and roll with me though, bummer.

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