Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September 8th 2015 - Gi Beginner

Theme & Techniques: Head Lock Escape to Back Mount, Kneeling Guard Break to Knee Slide
Partner: Bhuvana

Pretty small class today with only 4 of us.  A few things that came up during class:
  • For the head lock escape digging the toes in and sending their head forward was the most difficult part.  This is a good skill to have though as it comes up with other techniques.
  • After breaking the guard open I think about grabbing the collar and twisting it like a bully grip bringing my elbow closed on my thigh creating a wall against their leg.
  • During the knee slide don't forget to grab the sleeve and pull it up to keep them from turning in.
Rolling: Closed Guard (4 x 2 min), Free Rolling (4 min)
Rolled With: Bhuvana, Morgan, Tom

I attempted to do 2 on 1 a couple times but everyone defended it well.  My cross guard was always in my back pocket and I used it a couple times.  From the top I was able to complete the guard break a few times but never was able to do a knee slide.  I ended up having to stand and go for toreando or go to over/under. 

Office Hours: No One Wanted to Stay

I just went to youtube and watched some of my first tournament matches.  Holy crap was I shitty.  So much has changed since then and it turned out to be difficult to watch.  I don't move like that any more, I don't make those same mistakes or miss those opportunities.  Kind of cool to see but cringe-worthy at the same time.

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