Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 1st 2015 - Gi Beginner

Theme & Techniques: Seoi Nage, Double Ankle Sweep, Butterfly Hook Sweep
Partner: Zac, Bhuvana

Had a rather large class today.  Some thoughts on the techniques for this week:
  • For the shoulder throw I've been working on different stepping and kind of pulling them into it.  Seems to help load them up onto the hips more.
  • Doing the "make a muscle" motion is very important
  • For the Double Ankle sweep the major thing I emphasized a couple times today was as you're getting up hipping forward on one side on top of their leg pinning it to the floor.  Keep your knee on the floor the entire time you move to mount.
  • For the Butterfly sweep I like to use the back hand to help me move under them as I shoot for the underhook.  Zac said this helped him lead with his hips instead of his hips to avoid the guillotine.

Rolling: Closed Guard (2 x 2 min), Butterfly (2 x 2 min), Free Rolling
Rolled With: Zac, Robert, Tom

Rolling felt great from the guard positions.  My cross guard is always in my back pocket.  From the top I've felt like breaking and passing the guard is very hard work.  Having to keep posture, monitor grips, have gravity against me, attempt to stand-up, then even if I break the guard I still have to figure out the best pass to attempt or deal with some type of open guard.  With butterfly I'm still trying to get the underhook squeeze and hang off my opponent perfected.  I was able to pull off a couple guard recovery tricks that Conan showed me the other day, in the vein of a granby roll.

In free rolling I was able to pull off the single leg x-guard setup to technical standup.  I'm still feeling stuck in mount sometimes unable to setup a submission.  I have my things but if people are keeping their defenses tight I'm kind of stuck, pushing and pulling on stuff hoping they'll make a mistake.  Tom told me I fooled him because previously I caught him with a couple NS chokes so when I was in north/south position he started worrying about the choke but I went for kimura instead.  This may be useful in the near future when everyone learns to defend my NS choke.  

Office Hours Partner: Tom, Robert, Zac

Rolled no-gi after class.  I started to feel pretty tired from lack of sleep and it was pretty hot in the gym. 

Had a very tough roll with Robert.  I spent some time on top and got caught in his half guard.  I attacked a guillotine but couldn't connect my hands.  Eventually he swept me.  It was so slippery and while I thought I was defending the cross face from bottom half guard he was able to slip right through it.  At one point he caught me with a kimura as I attempted to go deep half and was even close to completing the sweep but he was able to isolate the arm.  I was pretty wiped out after this session.

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