Tuesday, February 23, 2016

February 23rd 2016 - No Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Closed Guard Kimura & Hip Bump Sweep
Partner: Ben

I think I really made a difference in the way Ben does these techniques today.  He obviously had the basic concepts down on what needs to happen and how they work but a few little changes made them more efficient and take less effort.  With the kimura after he got his grips it felt like he was trying to push my hand off the ground to get the lock where I had him secure my elbow to his chest and then think about putting his shoulder down on the mat changing the angle seemed to take a lot less effort. 

For the hip bump sweep we focused on preventing half guard at the end of the sweep by not being lazy with the feet as the sweep is completed.  I also went a little off the books and showed him some deep half entries for the person getting swept to recover to. 

Rolling: Closed Guard King of the Matt
Rolled With: Greg, Robert, Mike, Bhuvana, Ben, Tom

Had some great rolls and it worked out that I went up against Greg, Robert and Mike quite a few times.  Sometimes when we have king of the mat I end up not facing them because of the way the line works.  Some cool things that happened:
  • I went for some leg locks.  I didn't get them and made some mistakes but I'm putting in the mat time to make them better.
  • I defended some leg lock attempts against me.  A few of Greg's did ultimately get me.
  • I gave Greg, Mike, and Robert a hard time (I think).  None of my rolls were over quickly and I threatened quite a few passes and did a decent job in top and bottom half guard, butterfly, and single leg-x. 

Office Hours Partner: Robert

Tough roll after class with Robert as usual.  Good to have a gut check often from him.  Like usual I have to fight for everything that I want and rarely see a top position.  Probably the only place I felt like I was out of danger was when I made it to deep half, but once I got there Mike and Greg were telling me to off balance him and start sweeping.  Needless to say I shouldn't be resting there.  I tried to sweep with homer simpson, but he would really hunker down so I worked my way into a waiter sweep to which he moved to stack.  I then responded by trying to take his back but he was able to turn back into me and we ended up in half guard again.

Greg gave me a couple pointers from there.  For that back take I should have used both hands to secure his hips and keep him from turning.  I had one on the floor to keep me stable but both hands on him would have been better because I would either follow him or pull him down into my waterfall sweep.  I think I may get someone to drill that with before class tomorrow.  The other option was to transition with my free leg into a reap for a heal hook or single leg-x I'm assuming, I may drill this a few times as well. 

Another things I screwed up was a point when I was in single leg-x, he stripped my foot off his hip and he sat on my butterfly hook.  I should have planted my foot and kicked him forward to reestablish the position. 

I feel like this type of stuff is the great part about writing this blog for me.  Unfortunately for the reader it may not mean that much for their skill level or their particular game.  But me recounting it and thinking of how to word it and type it out helps me retain the information that much more for next time.

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