Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February 3rd 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Standing Guillotine Against Wall Defense, Kneeling Guard Break, Double Under Pass
Partner: Mike

When I arrived Greg and Mike were getting in some last minute drilling before Greg took off for California.  They were working on some type of toe hold with a calf slicer on the other leg.  As I was entering the changing room I heard Mike say something like "This renders all of the Jiu-Jitsu that I know useless."  Wow that's quite a leg lock and something I need to learn.

While drilling techniques Mike and I messed around with some kicks and stuff like that.  It felt kind of good to dust off some of those techniques that I haven't done in a while.  Maybe I'll find some time to start hitting the punching bag at home and freshen up my skills.

Some tips from today's techniques:
  • Guillotine Defense: Posture is very important throughout this technique.  Once you are able to get your posture and start working for the neck crank don't lose your posture then because they can get the guillotine right back.
  • Kneeling Guard Break to Double Under Pass: It seemed like we were overemphasizing the use of the elbow in the guard break.  It serves 2 purposes, the hand holds their hips down and the elbow prevents the triangle.  I usually think of that arm as the triangle shield when doing single or double under passes.
Rolling: Guard (4 x 2 min), Free Rolling (2 x 5 min)
Rolled With: Mike, Tim

I'm going to have to keep an eye on Tim because he's doing pretty well for a new guy.  It's a combination of being explosive, having some strength, and decent timing.  I really had to have some patience and using persistent deliberate technique and let him struggle a little bit and not give him any space to exploit.  From the bottom I attempted a scissor sweep a couple times but it was strange how he was able to twist a bit to make it less effective.  Switching to 2 on 1 control kept him at bay. 

Office Hours Partner: Mike

Rolling with Mike during class was fun as usual.  When we started from the knees I was being very careful to keep my elbows close and not reach out.  I even mentioned that while shoveling snow I was thinking about my elbows and training myself to keep them in close.  It's something I'll have to keep in mind for a while because it's still not second nature.  I played a little de la riva with him and did okay.  One point that he made was that I needed to prioritize breaking his grip on my free leg.  Otherwise we ended up in a leg battle and he caught me with a toe hold. 

We drilled a little bit after class and I worked on some cross guard with a little resistance.  We talked about using wristlocks when the omoplata got loose and also worked some collar chokes from my new favorite position of omoplata crucifix. 

I asked him if he had any tips for dealing with bigger guys, since he does it so often.  He mentioned having patience and keeping the inside position as being the main things.  For instance your frame in half guard using the diamond.  He also uses sitting up in butterfly guard as the place that he feels the safest and once he starts to get pushed down he tries to find a way back there.  He said the reason that I may get overwhelmed is because I think I should be doing something so I try to force something.  Definitely something to contemplate.  

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