Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November 11th 2015 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Double Leg, Upa Escape, Cross Collar Choke from Mount
Students: Cassey, Tom, Andy, Jordan

Mike felt under the weather so I taught this morning.  I added a few warm-ups like shooting

A couple of tips on the techniques:

  • Double Leg, controlling the grips in the gi is going to be key.  If you can't do that it's going to be difficult to shoot
  • Upa Escape, a tidbit that I gave today is to think about it like a back roll.  You turn your head to the opposite side so you can get a bigger bridge.
  • Collar Choke, I like to tell people to use the princess wave to get the second grip deeper, seems to help.

Rolling: Mount Up/Down/Out
Rolled With: Cassey, Tom, Andy, Jordan

I had them roll with their original partners for the first 2 rounds then I got bored of sitting and had us do some up/down/out with only one person out at a time.  I attempted the cross choke as much as I could and completed it once.  I was able to upa a couple times as well. 

Gave some pointers to Casey for mount.  I think he was trying to hold his opponent down too much and needed to float a little more.  If you hold them too tight with your legs it makes it easier for you to get rolled over.

Office Hours Partner: Tom, Andy

We discussed some collar choke variations and then rolled a couple times.  I gave some pointers to them as they rolled.  I'm finding myself watching out for collar chokes from Andy.  He's giving me some of the alarm bells that Zac would.  Hopefully Zac comes back soon.

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