Friday, October 28, 2016

October 28th 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Koshi Guruma, Standing Guard Break, Torreando Pass, Knee Over Pass, X-Pass
Students: Craig, Tom, Ryal

Was the instructor today and added some throw fitins to the warm-up.  We then went right into Koshi Guruma. 

We did quite a few reps with the standing guard break and switched out the pass.  I liked showing some other options from the standing guard break.  I've gone over the x-pass with a few people lately and have enjoyed adding it to my teaching repertoire. 

Rolling: Guard, Free Rolling

Made sure to try the standing guard break as often as possible when on top.  The topic came up with Ryal if it was good to come up with them or not and I mentioned that it's possible to just stand-up and turn it into some judo.  I've been thwarted with this before and would like to think of some go to throws to deal with this.

Played some more cross guard today from the bottom and focused on transitioning to back roll or triangle.  Went over being stacked in a triangle with Tom and how I treat it like defending a double under pass and spread my knees out onto their arms until I can get my posture back and lock up the triangle again or go to guard.

Office Hours Partner: Tom

We drilled some cross guard and helped him with some specifics of getting to the position and getting the wrist to the other side.  We rolled a few times and had a good discussion about progressing in BJJ.

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