Saturday, October 1, 2016

October 1st 2016 - Open Mat

Open Mat
Rolled With: Josh J, Kevin, Craig, Mo, Jerad

Josh: He told me after we rolled that he was concerned about my arm drags today since I caught him a few times yesterday. It worked as I didn't see an opportunity to attempt one.

Kevin: Rolled gi this time and I felt a little better about my performance with him but he's still a beast.  We had a lot of positional changes and there were a few situations that he got out of in ways I'm not used to, so that is something that rolling with him will help me with.

Craig: We rolled a few times and I think I ignored that he asked me to try to flow more before we started rolling.  He was doing a good job of defending my over/under. In our second roll I eased up a bit and he ended up passing my guard and put me in an anaconda type of choke. It was close but i think my wide shoulders and being calm helped me escape.

Mo: Played a bit of lapel guard (video below) with Mo and he seemed interested.  It worked pretty well and I could tell he was hesitant to get caught in any traps.  I don't go as far as Keenan does in the video but it works for the omoplata or getting to bikini guard.

Jerad: Had a super tough roll as usual. Somehow I ended up on top and got to attack for a bit.  At one point I was doing an over/under pass and instead of grabbing his belt or the skirt of his gi I grabbed his pants and pulled them half way down his ass.  I spent most of the rest of the roll in the bottom of mount trying to escape. I told him he's responsible for making my mount escapes better.

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