Friday, September 30, 2016

September 30th 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Mount Escapes
Partner: Josh J

Conan went over some different mount escapes which broke the monotony of the techniques of the week. We did some extra hip escapes and bridging to coincide with the techniques he went over.  We went over pushing on the hip and using the thigh to push the foot into being trapped.  I do the second one to get to deep half often, I don't do the first one that much as I'm not that confident in it.

Rolling: Mount
Rolled With: Josh, Jesus

Gave both Josh and Jesus pointers on mount top and bottom.  From the bottom my advice is to not reach for anything, protect yourself, if you're going to grab an arm hold it to your body, and be prepared to attempt 3 different escapes in a row.  From top I'm always attacking, trying to isolate an arm, move up, and float.

Office Hours Partner: Jesus, Josh

Went over loop choke with Jesus as well as some guillotine defense fundamentals.  We rolled a few times and I helped him through a couple of armbar setups.

Rolled With Josh a few times and felt like arm drags were the right thing to do. Kind of strange since my normal arm drag is from 2 on 1.

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