Thursday, September 1, 2016

September 1st 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Side Control: Americana, Bridge to Knee in to Recover Guard, Transition to Mount
Partner: Bob

I asked Bob to work with me on a foot sweep.  I just wasn't getting it today but he was pretty patient with me and reminded me that's how he feels with ground stuff.  I'll try to get some more reps in tomorrow morning.

Skipped O-soto gari today and went over a transition to mount instead.  This technique was a little different than the version I learned in the past.  To get knee on their belly and passed their defense leg we put a little shoulder pressure with the cross face.  From there we drove the knee all the way to the other side keeping the foot hooked on the thigh.  Then stretch them out to bring their knees down before you put your foot on the floor to complete the mount.

Rolling: Side Mount, Shark Tank
Rolled With: Bob, Brian G, Ben L

Did a lot of side control escaping today and was even able to pull off a few americanas.  People started dropping out of class toward the end to return to work and we ended up with myself, Brian and Ben.  Greg had us do some up/down/out and made sure we all got a chance to be in each position with each partner. 

Apparently I didn't look tired enough so Greg had them shark tank me where I started on the bottom of side control and had to roll until tap out with little rest between rolls.  Had some good rolls with both of them.  I did a decent job of escaping with the knee in guard recovery or getting an under hook to single or deep half.  Then attacked mostly from side control. 

Office Hours Partner: Brian

Worked with Brian a bit on the Japanese necktie.  He was surprised at how uncomplicated it is and didn't feel like he was really doing much to finish it.  We talked with Ben about celebrating the little successes instead of depending on tapping people out as your only form of success.  I told them both that I almost never got my first choice for a submission and had to switch several times to get what I wanted.

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