Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September 28th 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Mount: Upa Escape, Cross Collar Choke
Partner: Tim, Chris

Small class today but Jerad shared a lot of good information on the cross collar choke.  We did it both the standard way with both palms up and then the way Jerad likes to do it with both palms down and thumb inside the collar.  I've had some success with this with this version in the last several months where I've only completed the standard version maybe once or twice in live rolling.

The best detail that he covered was that when he begins the choke after establishing his grips he keeps his arms straight and leans forward.  I thought I was supposed to bend my elbows and crunch in but this is more like the baseball bat from knee on belly.

Rolling: Mount, Free Rolling
Rolled With: Tim, Jerad, Chris

Generally I'm feeling really good lately with my mount top and bottom.  I've mentioned this before but I think it's been developing for the better part of a year.  I think I still get more submissions from side control.  Back mount is something I want to start focusing on soon, as in getting to the back and finishing from there. 

Jerad and I had some good tough rolls.  I tried my best to avoid his mount and we went back and forth from a quarter guard to half to mount several times and then had my back for a while.  I feel better about my performance with him, at least I am attempting different things and not falling into the same repetition of movements like I felt before.

Went over some passing with Tim.  Talked a lot about grips and grip fighting and what to do at the start of a roll.  Also talked a little no gi passing and what I like to do without any pant grips. 

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