Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October 8th 2013 - Gi Morning & Evening


Theme & Techniques: Omaplata, sweep when they start to roll, back roll sweep against posturing

It was just Jordan and I, so Greg decided to build on the omaplata sweep class from last week.  The first sweep was pretty simple.  Just allow them to roll and let their legs pass.  The only difficulty is that you have to get out of their way.  I had a much harder time with the second sweep.  I still don't think I get what I was doing wrong and it really irks me that a piece of the omaplata game is not coming to me.  We eventually figured out that turning the head and looking to where we wanted to sweep them was very helpful.  I also was able to do it a little better after I tried to direct their elbow where I wanted it.

Rolling: Closed Guard and Free Rolling

We trained from the closed guard and I felt pretty good about my performance.  The opportunity never presented itself to do the back roll sweep, but I'm pretty hopeful about adding that to my game.  I was able to setup my goto omaplata a couple of times and I was also happy with completing sickle sweep and the spider guard to x-guard sweep that gets pulled on me all the time. 


Theme & Techniques: Overhook setup for collar choke and Triangle, Knee pry Triangle Escape

I worked with John for the technique portion of the class.  Triangles have never been my think but I always enjoy practicing them.  I had a couple issues with flexibility but all in all I was able to do the techniques.  I had a little more trouble with the triangle escape at first.  I focused so much on going down straight that the technique didn't actually sink in until I leaned away a little bit.

Rolling: Closed Guard and Free Rolling

The only person that gave me trouble tonight was Chris.  I thought I was making all of the right moves but he was just a little more aggressive, strong, and quicker than I was.  I wasn't able to pass his guard and he passed my guard a couple of times.  I did setup an omaplata on him but he stacked very well and took away all of the space that I tried to make.  I'm going to have to ponder what I did wrong there.

With everyone else, I tried to focus on techniques that I've been working on: a few omaplatas, a triangle, some spider guard.  Unfortunately the only person I didn't get paired up with was Mike. 

I did have to tell Jorge to chill out a little bit during our roll.  He was spazzing pretty hard and accidentally elbowed me in the jaw.  I bared down and put some pressure down on him in side control.  Afterwards he mentioned that my side control felt impossible to get out of, and I gave him some options for other possible escapes and also said he needed to chill out a little bit and work on more technique rather than rely on brute force.

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