Theme & Techniques: Tozi Pass
Partner: Tom
This is a pass that I've struggled with for a long time and when I think I understand something about it I'm proven wrong. Greg did show some different details that I didn't know about today though. First he had us put a lot more pressure with our shoulder on their upper body. I thought it was supposed to be low and more with the hips. The other part that I've had the most trouble with is how to get their feet open in the end. Depending on which foot was crossed on top your top leg either hooks the heel or pushes under the foot. From there we would windshield wiper to avoid half guard, but it's okay if you end up there because you have a deep underhook.
Rolling: Closed Guard (6 x 2 min), Free Rolling (2 x 5 min)
Rolled With: Tom, Jesus, Mike, Josh M, Harvey
There was enough time for everyone to get to roll with everyone. I did my best to try the tozi pass on everyone. I didn't hit one of them, but I felt like I was able to recover back to the center every time and stay out of trouble. I think the hardest part about the pass is keeping their hips off to the side as everyone struggled to center back up. I did the same to most of the people that tried the pass on me as well as push on the side of their head.
Office Hours Partner: Mike
Mike and I had some good rolls today. I'm pretty happy with my performance. There were quite a few scrambly positions and leg attacks. However, there was one point when he was setting up a heel hook and I just kind of stayed there and let it happen. Part of it is that I don't want to get hurt and was searching for a way to hand fight, but I should have done what Greg told me to do which is roll with it. I might not have gotten out of it still but it is the proper defense.
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