Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 23rd 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: O-Soto Gari, Side Control Basic Escape to Guard, Americana from Side Control
Students: Mike A, Tom, Jordan, John, Byrav

Felt good about the information that I dispensed today.  Of course it helps that I'm comfortable using these particular techniques in rolling.  did a couple standup rounds with grip fighting, fighting for thai clinch, and alternating throws. 

I tried something new when teaching O-Soto Gari and had them not do the trip the first time around.  Instead they were just supposed to do the step and the steering with the arms to focus on this part of the throw more.  I think too many people (myself included) focus so much on the tripping part and don't do enough with the upper body.  I may try teaching it again this way tomorrow.

Tips on the other techniques:
  • Side Control Escape: bridge like you are going to knock them over, make them react to your bridge.  Keep your foot engaged with the floor
  • Americana: Once you are in the position to finish this technique keep your own wrists straight.  Have your hand on their wrist instead of half on their hand.  Lock everything in with your elbow in their neck.  Drive their arm down as you lift their elbow keeping the back of their hand on the floor.
Rolling: King of the Mat Side Control, Free Rolling (2 x 5 min)
Rolled With: Everyone

Had some good rolls and attempted the side control escape when I could.  I wasn't able to pull off any americanas.  Both Mike and John foiled my side switch baseball bat choke because my posture was too high.  So new part of this is I have to stay low and not let them get their legs involved.  Can't have people get wise to my technique.  I did setup a darce, some north/south chokes and some back takes. 

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