Thursday, January 14, 2016

January 14th 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Head Lock Defense to Hammer Lock to RNC, Mounted Armbar, Elbow Escape from Mount
Partner: Byrav, Ben

Small class today.  Noon class attendance has been fluxuating quite a bit lately.  But as long as there is a partner for me I'm happy. 

I worked with Byrav on the head lock escape and the armbar.  Greg preferred that we step up the foot under the armpit to assist with the turn where Mike and I were teaching to not set the foot down the day before.  It seemed to help Byrav get it better.  Another improvement was that he was trying to not put any weight on me, once he did it made a huge difference.

Greg had Ben and I work on the foot trap mount escape to half or full guard.  It's something that I use very often.  We also used it for the deep half entry a few times.

Rolling: Mount Up/Down/Out
Rolled With: Harvey, Ben

There is definitely a learning curve in learning top mount.  It is a dominant position for sure but personally it took me a while before I felt confident in the top position.  I think it has a lot to do with your opponents hips being under you so they can move you by bridging.  I also realized over time that I didn't need to hold my legs really tight all of the time to keep them down.  I like to float a lot more and feel free to go to technical mount as needed.  I'm also always trying to attack by isolating an arm or attempting a choke. 

When I'm on the bottom I try to stay relaxed and look for my moment to either bridge, hook their leg, or elbow escape.  Often from there if that fails I try one of the other 2 choices.  I've been focusing on being more explosive with the trap, trap, go. 

Office Hours Partner: Harvey

Harvey wanted to go over the elbow escape again and he was appreciative of a few extra details that I gave.  I drilled a few deep half to waiter sweeps and I'm feeling pretty good about it.  I'm still working on when to let go of the foot as I'm coming up during the sweep. 

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