Friday, January 15, 2016

January 15th 2016 - Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Head Lock Defense to Hammer Lock to RNC, Mounted Armbar, Elbow Escape from Mount
Students: Zac, Craig, Morgan, Anthony

Did a couple of the advanced warm-up exercises added with the normal ones like side rolls, butterfly guard walk, and Homer Simpsons.  Then we did some takedown fitins in pairs.  An exercise that Ray used to have us do, where you attempted one throw or takedown and then trying to move to flow to another one if that one failed.  Then we did some grip fighting and finished the last round with trying to fight for the Thai clinch position.  Everyone seemed to appreciate the extra standup work.

I felt good about teaching the self defense and the armbar, but for some reason the elbow escape didn't work out as cleanly as I would have liked.  Not sure if I could have guided Zac to respond differently as I was trying to explain it and demonstrate it at the same time, because he didn't move the way I was expecting.  Not that it went completely bonkers but it wasn't the best performance from me.  Otherwise everyone seemed to drill the techniques well with me giving a few pointers every now and again. 

Rolling: Mount (2 x 3 min), Free Rolling (4 x 4 min)
Rolled With: Everyone

I tried to focus on a few things during rolling.  Above all else I'm looking to keep my elbows in from the top and prevent any arm drags.  I'm looking to pass with the x-pass or torreando.  Open guard I wanted to work into spider and then lasso.  In deep half I'm trying to go right into the waiter sweep or the homer simpson as soon as I can.  If both of those fail, I'm going to start looking for the lapel grab.  I accomplished a few of these things and kept myself out of danger pretty well. 

Office Hours Partner: Morgan, Zac

Morgan and I were talking about preventing getting his guard passed.  I noticed that he was pretty much putting both his feet on their hips to keep them from passing, which is a problem I've also been having.  I showed him some de la riva with the caveat that I don't have much experience using it myself but I've been looking into it.  I showed him the sweep that Alejandro pulled off on me every time I rolled with him. 

Zac showed me some more details on collar chokes and went into some of the contingencies that he uses.  I think I'm starting to understand how he gets so much torque.  Can't wait to try some of this stuff.  I went over some half guard stuff to arm drag and that I've been trying to prevent the arm drag lately.

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