Tuesday, January 19, 2016

January 19th 2016 - No Gi All Levels

Theme & Techniques: Twist Sweep
Partner: Robert

I've had a huge love-hate relationship with this sweep mostly on the hate side.  I feel like I made some strides into making it serviceable today.  The biggest problem has been trying to figure out if I need to bridge a little and then how much, where my feet are supposed to be, don't forget to trap their arm and then push on their hip with the other arm.  It's just always come out as being uncoordinated for me.  Probably the thing that helped the most today was focusing on pinching the leg above all else.

Rolling: King of the Mat Half Gaurd
Rolled With: Robert, Casey, Tom, Robert, Harvey, Ben

Greg encouraged us to try the sweep by having the top person start with the underhook and cross face.  And, I was able to hit the actual twist sweep 4 or 5 times!  So this class was a huge success for me.  I also noticed that both Robert and I were ending up in the kimura position from top half that we worked on last week and were able to use it to pass.  Also had a pretty cool back take off of the kimura where I was almost rolled over and hip escaped out and climbed back up, I felt like Ryan hall for a second. 

Office Hours Partner: Greg, Tom

Greg helped me with completing the butterfly sweep when someone puts more pressure on the side I want to sweep from (ahem Conan).  He told me to drive for the underhook deeper and get more behind them on that side by basing with my hand and turning the elbow up. 

I helped Tom a bit with the smash pass and we talked about guard against a standing opponent in general.  Like me not too long ago, he was getting caught with his feet in the air and was getting passed easily.  So I told him to keep his feet down so he could always make space when necessary.

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